Turbulent Winds

turbulent wind

Twelve years ago, we shared a blog post that’s still meaningful in today’s ever-changing world. It revolves around Matthew 14:22-33. Sometime back, while exploring the New Testament, I read a powerful scripture, “But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, Lord save me! (Matthew 14:30 NASB).” This verse resonated […]


I’ve been reflecting on the past couple of months about all the trials and tribulations I have experienced. I find myself in a state of deep gratitude to God for giving me strength and grace to conquer the challenges. The Psalms have been my guiding light, providing solace and reminding me that the Lord hears […]

It Shall End In Praise

It shall end in Praise

Despair is when you let the circumstances speak to you about what is going to happen. Often times when we are going through something we wait until we receive victory to praise God.  However, as Emma Jean Foster sings “Don’t wait till the battle is over to shout now.” Don’t wait, respond with praise right now.  […]



When we were kids, we had this thing we called “halfsies”. That is, if someone got something that we wanted like candy, we would call “halfsies”. Then they would have to share with us half of whatever they had. I’ve noticed that we do this with God. We want to take care of the part […]

Cherishing the Essence of H.O.P.E.

Cherishing the Essence of H.O.P.E.

 We define Hope as trusting Jesus for all the things He says are going to happen. Hope is a powerful thing. It is trusting Jesus in the midst of your circumstances, even if the circumstances don’t look promising. But just when you don’t think you can hope anymore. Jesus shows up. Jesus is always on […]

Hope Comes With Jesus

Happy New Year

Hope comes with Jesus. Hope entered behind the curtain. We are referring to the curtain that stood before Holy of Holies. The Ark of the Covenant resided behind the curtain. The curtain is where the high priest would go each year to pray that the sins of the people be forgiven. The curtain tore from […]

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

What a day to celebrate thankfulness! Thanksgiving is a day that we all can come together and express our appreciation for each other and all the blessings in our lives. Life has many ups and downs that makes showing gratitude hard at times. But on Thanksgiving we stop and remember all that we are grateful for. […]

Thank You

Thank you

Thank you very much for all of your prayers and well wishes on my birthday. I have been very blessed.  God has brought me a long way, and He has been there every step of the way. God called me at an early age. When I was 10 years old, Mr. Pfeifer Irvin asked me give […]